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SUPPLIERS - for drum shells, parts, and servicesBadgesBoaz Dekel (screen name ZrowBD) - Email (this is not a website) zrowbd@hotmail.com Ego Drum Supply - http://www.egodrumsupply.com/ Origin Drums - http://origindrums.com/ JM Smith Custom - http://www.jmsmithcustom.com/html/index.html GM Nameplate - http://gmnameplate.com/ Brass Name - http://www.brassname.com/ Or, if you want to make them yourself do a Google search for "lost wax die cast youtube" and you'll find lots of "how to" videos for making your own. Cut Bearing Edges Drum Supply House - http://drummaker.com/ American Music Drum Parts - http://www.amdrumparts.com/ drumfactorydirect.com - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=6 Holland: Signature Drums (Koko) - http://www.signaturedrums.nl/ Germany: Custom Drums & Parts - http://www.customdrums.de/ Sweden: Spunky Drums - www.spunkydrums.com Hardware (Also see the Lug Catalog) Ego - http://www.egodrumsupply.com/ Drum Supply House - http://drummaker.com/ Drum Foundry - http://www.drumfoundry.com/default.aspx? American Music Drum Parts - http://www.amdrumparts.com/ Precision Drum in N.Y. - http://www.precisiondrum.com/ World Max - http://www.worldmaxdrums.com/ Drumgearonline / saluda cymbals - http://www.drumgearonline.com/ Corder: - http://www.corderproducts.com/ Allstar Drumworks - www.allstardrum.com (custom lugs) Best Drum Deals - http://www.bestdrumdeals.com/ drumfactorydirect.com - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=6 Drums On Sale.com - http://www.drumsonsale.com/ Quick Action Drum Lug - http://www.quickactiondrumlug.com/ UK: Highwood - http://www.highwooddrums.co.uk/ Second Skins custom drum company - http://www.secondskins.co.uk/index.html Canada: Champagne Drum - http://www.champagnedrum.com/ France: Art Custom drums - http://www.artcustomdrums.com/ Germany: Custom Drums & Parts - http://www.customdrums.de/ StDrums - http://www.stdrums.de/ Lunar Percussion - http://www.keller-europe.net/ Australia: Zenzian Handcrafted Drums (brass hardware only) - http://www.zenzian.com/ Image Drumworks (aluminum lugs, strainers) - (e-mail) imagedrumworks@optusnet.com.au Pro Music - http://www.promusicaustralia.com/drum/Drums.htm Satin Finish hardware Six Gun Drums - http://www.sixgundrums.com/ Hard Wood Woodcraft - http://www.woodcraft.com/ TEH - http://www.anexotichardwood.com/ Eisenbrand - http://www.eisenbran.com/OurGallery.htm Woodworkers Source - http://www.woodworkerssource.com/ Righteous Woods - http://www.righteouswoods.net/woodmenu.html Cook Woods - http://www.cookwoods.com/ From a discussion on the forum, here are some creative sources for hardwood: rhjanes: An old fashioned lumber yard...mom-pop type. You can also drive to where ever a new nice house is being built. Ask the trim guy, for "clear" wood sources. He might only know where to get the trim, however. Clear = no or little knots, sap, streaks. Dawoodude: I was able to get a 4 pc kit out of about $100 worth of Poplar lumber I bought at Lowes, and that's about as cheap as your gonna be able to get without resorting to framing lumber. You should be able to do the same in ash or cherry for say $250 or so. I use the local Woodcraft store for the exotic woods for snare builds. Sometimes that can be upwards of $50 for shell, but you pay because the quantity is small but I do like being able to hand pick the lumber. I wouldn't use anything off a construction site, your spending to much time and effort to build something that probably won't stay in round, or will split the first time it's introduced to a dry inviroment. I highly recommend using cabinet grade material with the proper moisture content for the specie being used. I have a relationship with a local cabinet shop, and they bring in materials weekly, letting me piggyback my small orders with theirs for domestics like Walnut, Cherry, Ash... Koko: Local decking / wood floor shop. shiloh: ...happened that right under my nose was a cabient guy who collects wood and kilns his own. Just a thought - for hard wood, would not a pallet shop be a good source? sadolcourt: It never hurts to ask a pallet shop as Shiloh suggests, but perhaps they only use the not so nice pine, fir and hemlock. Retail prices in SF Bay Area are $2+ /bf for ash and poplar, $5+ for 4/4 cherry, and exotics are priced exotically. I shop the scrap bin at my local yard, but it's s-crap for a reason. Garbage wood has its place, e.g. if you're experimenting I was thinking of this the other day. If you could get hardwood off cuts and scraps from cabinet shops, you could finger joint them together and run them through the jointer / planer similar to linear lumber. Then edge / cut the staves depending on your regular process. Sure, it's more labor to do this, but maybe you start negotiations at 25 cents per pound of wood. The shop clears out its scraps for money, you get usable material for a bit more work on your part, and the tree is used to its very nub. procyon: I work in shipping/receiving for oil field supplies and we get quite an assortment of hardwood crates and pallets through the warehouse. I would not however use them to build anything that requires planing or sawing since a nicked blade means resharpening and set up or a missing tooth from the carbide table saw blade. The pallets have alot of embedded grit and often broken nails as well. Is it worth a damaged saw blade to salvage $5 worth of lumber? Six-Ply: my next door neighbor ......a fellow wood worker.... scours Craigs List 24/7 and found several sources. josh_r: I worked at a custom cabinet shop and we used many different species of wood in our cabinets. A cabinet job always has what are called fillers in the job. The fillers are just a nice finished plank of wood that matches the cabinets. It is used to be cut down and fill in any gaps between the installed cabinets and the walls of the house. These fillers would be great for building. They come in many different widths. There are always extras as well. You may want to try a local cabinet company and ask for some fillers. I bet you could get some for free or super cheap. It is always show quality wood. Reinforcement Rings Drum Supply House - http://drummaker.com/ drumfactorydirect.com - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/ Shells Ply Shells Keller - http://www.kellerproducts.com/ Drum Supply House (Keller distributor) - http://drummaker.com/ Precision Drum Company (Keller distributor) - http://www.precisiondrum.com/ Drum Factory Direct (Keller distributor) - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/ Hard Bop Drums (Keller distributor) - http://www.hardbopdrums.com/home.shtml American Music Drum Parts - http://www.amdrumparts.com/ Six Gun Drums - http://www.sixgundrums.com/ UK: Highwood - http://www.highwooddrums.co.uk/ Germany: Lunar Percussion - http://www.keller-europe.net/ Custom Drums & Parts - http://www.customdrums.de/ Australia: Metro Drums - http://www.metrodrums.com/welcome.aspx Stave Shells Drum Supply House - http://www.drummaker.com/ Koko - http://www.signaturedrums.nl/ Joshua Tree Percussion - http://jtpercussion.com/index.html Artisan Drumworks, Inc. - http://artisandrumworks.com/ Hard Bop Drums - http://www.hardbopdrums.com/home.shtml Six Gun Drums - http://www.sixgundrums.com/ Canada: Unix (Francois) - http://www.unixdrums.com/index1.htm UK: Guru Drumworks - www.gurudrumworks.co.uk Noonan Custom Drums - http://www.noonandrums.com/ Australia: Zenzian Handcrafted Drums - http://www.zenzian.com/ Metro Drums - http://www.metrodrums.com/welcome.aspx Segmented Shells Hard Bop Drums - http://www.hardbopdrums.com/home.shtml drumfactorydirect.com - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/ Artisan Drumworks, Inc. - http://artisandrumworks.com/ Steam Bent Shells: Slingerland Drum Company - http://www.gibson.com/en-us/Divisions/Slingerland/ Vaughncraft Percussion - http://www.vaughncraft.com/index.php?id=1 Craviotto - http://www.craviottodrums.com/index-usa.php Dunnett - http://www.dunnett.com/ drumfactorydirect.com - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/ Artisan Drumworks, Inc. - http://artisandrumworks.com/ UK: Highwood - http://www.highwooddrums.co.uk/ Guru Drumworks - www.gurudrumworks.co.uk Noonan Custom Drums - http://www.noonandrums.com/ Solid Shells (carved from wood - has no seam): Spirit - http://www.spiritdrums.com/ Brady - http://www.bradydrums.com.au/ LuKa Percussion - http://www.lukapercussion.com/ UK: Noonan Custom Drums - http://www.noonandrums.com/ Acrylic Shells: Drum Supply House - http://www.drummaker.com/ drumfactorydirect.com - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/ RCI Starlite - http://www.rcistarlite.com/ Keller - available through Precision Drum Co. - http://www.precisiondrum.com/html/acrylic.html UK: FVFR Drums - http://www.fvfdrums.co.uk/ Metal Shells: Allstar Drumworks - http://www.allstardrum.com/ Drum Supply House - http://www.drummaker.com/ UK: Noonan Custom Drums - http://www.noonandrums.com/ Composite Shells: Rocket Shells - http://www.rocketshells.com/ Tempus Drums - http://www.tempusdrums.com/ Canopus Drums - http://www.canopusdrums.com/en/index.html Origin Drums - http://origindrums.com/ Specialty Services Cut custom vent shapes, engrave custom artwork, cut inlay channels, and offer custom inlay work. All with our state-of-the-art custom built CNC machine which has incredibly tight tolerances. drumfactorydirect.com - http://www.drumfactorydirect.com/ Powder coating - any color on any metal: C&S powdercoating - http://www.candspowdercoating.com/ Germany: Custom Drums & Parts in Germany makes unique design drum risers - http://www.customdrums.de/ Australia: Image Drumworks (custom machined aluminum lugs, aluminum hoops, aluminum strainers) - (e-mail) imagedrumworks@optusnet.com.au Wood Hoop Suppliers Stellar Drums and Hoops - www.stellardrum.com Iron City drum works - http://www.ironcitydrumworks.com/ Drum Supply House - http://www.drummaker.com/ Yamaha - available at most retail dealers in the U.S. Gibraltar - available at most retail dealers in the U.S. Canada: Champagne Drum - http://www.champagnedrum.com/ Unix (Francois) - http://www.unixdrums.com/index1.htm UK: Guru Drumworks - http://www.gurudrumworks.co.uk/ Australia: Metro Drums - http://metrodrums.com/welcome.aspx Germany: Custom Drums & Parts - http://www.customdrums.de/ Hungary: Gustavito Custom Drums - http://www.gustavito.hu/ Wrap Suppliers Jammin Sam - http://www.jamminsam.com/ Precision Drum - http://www.precisiondrum.com/body_index.html Drum Supply House - http://www.drummaker.com/ Drum Foundry - http://www.drumfoundry.com/ American Music Drum Parts - http://www.amdrumparts.com/ Delmar Products, Inc. - http://www.delmarproducts.com/OurProducts.htm RockenWraps - http://www.rockenwraps.com/rw_designs.html Cazdudedesigns - http://www.cazdudedesigns.com/wrap/ UK: Highwood - http://www.highwooddrums.co.uk/ Second Skins custom drum company - http://www.secondskins.co.uk/index.html Germany: Custom Drums & Parts - http://www.customdrums.de/ Veneer and Veneer Supplies FormWood Industries - http://www.formwood.com/ Joe Woodworker - http://www.joewoodworker.com/ Oakwood Veneer - http://www.oakwoodveneer.com/ Veneer Supplies - http://www.veneersupplies.com/ B&B Rare Woods - http://www.wood-veneers.com/ Homecraft Veneer and Woodworker's Supply - http://www.homecraftveneer.com/ Brookside Veneers Ltd. - http://www.veneers.com/ Exotic Hardwoods and Veneers - http://www.exotichardwoods.com/ |